The Power of Positive Affirmations

CLICK HERE –> Guitar Girl Magazine Fall 2020 Issue
The Power of Positive Affirmations
by Kathryn Cloward
Wow! I’m sure we all can agree that 2020 has been a year of tremendous change. What we’ve been experiencing as an industry since COVID-19 came into our lives, is just how quickly things can and do change, and how necessary it is to pivot and adapt when changes occur. With many aspects of our industry and so many others shut down completely, we’re all experiencing just how necessary it is to be resilient and resourceful.
I know over the past months, many of us are also experiencing emotional ups and downs. There’s been uncertainty, worry, doubt, and in some very real ways —fear.
While I’m definitely doing my best to focus on the positive aspects of this time and have been creating like crazy, I’ve had a lot of heavy stuff to deal with that has made me feel like I’m on an emotional rollercoaster. COVID-19 brought to the surface some aspects of my life that needed major adjustment, and I had to establish some important self-loving boundaries. Yet, while adjustments have been necessary, they came with a lot of fire and daggers from those who’ve benefited from the way things were, i.e., my relaxed lines. And no matter how strong and self-aware any of us are, it’s never easy to be the target of someone’s negativity.
Yesterday, I had a songwriting session with an artist for her new project. During our time together, we spoke about a lot of life stuff she’s been journeying through, which includes some heartache and personal growth. We ended up writing a song that started out from feelings of uncertainty and ended up being about the feeling of possibilities created by a new beginning. Within the lyrics are quite a few positive affirmations. These helped her feel good and empowered. Her energy from when the session started completely transformed by the time we were done. She felt good and affirmed. I did, too.
I was introduced to personal affirmations about 15 years ago, but it wasn’t until I was on my own journey of transformation and true personal discovery that I started actively weaving them into my daily life. In fact, positive affirmations have had such a profoundly positive impact on my life as a grown woman, that I’ve spent the past 11 years creating a comprehensive series of Kathryn the Grape books and music for children focused on “I am” statements. But yesterday helped remind me that all of us benefit from positive affirmations. Affirmations are ageless.
The three most powerful words we say about ourselves are: I am ____________. My hope is to help people fill that blank with positivity. I have a new song coming out soon for my younger audience called “I Am That I Am,” which shares an alphabet of affirmations. I decided to create a similar list of positive affirmations for us as a helpful tool as we continue to make music and navigate through these times.
I don’t think any of us are too old or too young to say affirmations out loud to ourselves. Perhaps today you could use a loving dose of positivity by way of some simple self-loving affirmations. If these statements resonate with you, I encourage you to cut them out, tape them to the mirror in your bathroom and say them every day while you get ready for work, school or whatever else is on your agenda. Perhaps in 30 days these will become so inherent — so a part of you — that you’ll know no matter what changes are coming your way, you’re positively prepared to handle them all.
I am adaptable.
I am brave.
I am creative.
I am deserving.
I am excited.
I am friendly.
I am grateful.
I am honest.
I am important.
I am joyful.
I am kind.
I am love.
I am magical.
I am needed.
I am open.
I am peace.
I am qualified.
I am ready.
I am strong.
I am trusting.
I am unique.
I am vibrant.
I am worthy.
I am excellent.
I am youthful.
I am zestful.