DRIVE Your Music Career

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DRIVE Your Music Career
Empower Yourself with Determination, Resilience, Independence, Velocity, and Enthusiasm
Do you remember how it felt to get your driver’s license and be able to drive on your own to the places you needed and wanted to be? I do. I couldn’t wait to drive because that meant I’d no longer need to bum rides off my teammates after soccer and softball practices or ask my friend, Earl, to pick me up for school since he lived around the corner from me. My parents were working outside the home and since I was the fourth of four siblings, Mom and Dad were ready for me to drive the moment I was able to do so legally.
I was determined to get my license. I took driver’s training with my boyfriend Jeremy at the local driving school. Then, since my parents only had stick-shift cars, I borrowed my friend Kim’s automatic car to take my driver’s test. I was delirious with joy when I passed and got my license.
Once I was able to drive, I paid it forward and gave my younger teammates rides home when they needed them. I felt empowered by the independence of driving. I didn’t abuse the privilege and knew that to keep driving I needed to pay part of my way, hence I scooped cones at Baskin-Robbins and then took pizza orders at Mona Lisa’s Italian Restaurant. It was only because of my ability to drive that I was able to try out different places to work before finishing high school.
A few months ago, my son got his driver’s license. I was eager to empower Landon with the same sense of independence and freedom I experienced. He earned it and he’s rocking his junior year in all areas while driving his red truck to school every day. Encouraging him with the independence to drive was an act of pure love and it was another motherhood bridge I crossed because as he was experiencing a new beginning, it was the ending of 16 years of my schedule no longer revolving around where he needed to be and when. That shift created some levels of new for me too.
This morning, after I watched Landon drive off to school, I sat down to write this article. My mind drifted from reflecting on driving a vehicle to the inner drive I needed to be able to manifest the reality I wanted for my life. We are often so focused on the road ahead that we only glance in the rearview mirror of our lives for a moment. But in looking at the whole journey, what’s been essential for me to manifest my unique career in the music industry has been a long road paved with DRIVE: determination, resilience, independence, velocity, and enthusiasm.
In today’s music industry, female-identified musicians, guitar players, songwriters, producers, and executives continue to break barriers and shatter stereotypes, making their mark and leaving a lasting impact. Here are five key empowering qualities that are the driving force for taking charge of your music career and creating a lasting legacy.
D for Determined
Determination is the cornerstone of your music career. It’s the unwavering commitment to your craft that fuels progress. It’s essential to set clear goals and remain focused on working toward them, even when encountering obstacles and setbacks. Determination is the fuel that energizes your inner drive to remain focused on goal-achieving and dream-living. Even in times when encountering naysayers or challenges, your inner determination will help ensure those are merely bumps on the road and not detours.
R for Resilience
Resilience is a word thrown around a lot but I can’t stress enough how cultivating a solid inner source of resilience is for the long haul. Every music professional faces rejection and setbacks but how you bounce back matters most. Embrace your unique voice and talent, and know your resilience will help you persevere through difficult times. Each obstacle is an opportunity for growth; resilience keeps your music playing, no matter what.
I for Independence
Independence in music is about self-discovery, self-expression, and self-reliance. Many of you are forging your path, just as many of your trailblazing mentors and sheroes did before you. Trusting your instincts and not being afraid to challenge the status quo are fuel for energizing your career. Independence allows you to explore uncharted territories and create groundbreaking music that reflects your authentic self.
V for Velocity
While I could have gone with vibe on this one, velocity is what came to mind first and it fits. Velocity, or speed, represents the urgency of making progress in your career. While I am chill in many ways and don’t crowd my life with unnecessary commitments or social engagements, I foster the speed and endurance of a thoroughbred—which suits me much better than operating at sloth speed. In the fast-paced music industry, being proactive is crucial. Striving to gain momentum and securing opportunities requires you to be alert, quick, and receptive all while keeping the creative energy flowing, releasing new music, and connecting regularly with your network. With velocity, your music career can take off at an exhilarating pace.
E for Enthusiasm
Enthusiasm is the fuel that ignites passion and creativity. Enthusiasm is contagious! I love being around enthusiastic people. It’s the joy of creating music that drives you forward. It’s the infectious energy that draws fans in and keeps them engaged. Embracing and continuing to cultivate enthusiasm with your music will continue to inspire more momentum for driving your musical journey forward.
I love a good acrostic and DRIVE encapsulates the essential qualities for taking charge of your career and driving your passion forward. Determination, resilience, independence, velocity, and enthusiasm form the foundation upon which long-term endurance in the music business is built. By embracing these DRIVE qualities, you will undoubtedly overcome obstacles, cultivate your unique gift, and leave a lasting impact on the music industry.
As you navigate your journey in music, remember to DRIVE forward with unwavering determination, resilience in the face of challenges, independence to define your path, the velocity to keep your career progressing, and the enthusiasm that keeps your music alive. Embrace the power of DRIVE, and let it guide you toward a successful and fulfilling career in music, where your voice, talent, and passion shine through, inspiring others to follow in your footsteps.